With an average computer and a 100mb/s connection CyberCriminals can scan the whole ipv4 internet in 8hours If and exploit is released to the public 10:30. A Cybercriminal can have the exploit in the scanner and get it running in 15minutes and by 18:40 the person has scanned the internet and exploited all public vulnerable system. Thats why we Created Vulnerability Mangement. Stay one step ahead of all exploits
Using Artificial intelligence we are able to provide the world leading security platform that is suitable for a wide range of security management.
Tired of paying alot of cash for pentest? Penetration tests are a temporary solution to find some problems with your platform
With Vulnerability Mangement you will stay on top of security updates and have your systems patched long before the exploits hits the scanners
Stay one step ahead of all exploit scanners and vulnerabilities. Protect your site and services from being used by botnets and simular activity. This is the cheapest and best protection you can get for your it-infrastructre. You can monitor and stay on step ahead in Security nomather if your a nontechnical person just running a blog or a Company with any size of the network.
in a world where computers get compromised every single second. You need to stay up to date with the latest information. You need Firo Solutions